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SMB IT solutions in Vancouver

Palate Networks is located in the located in the beautiful city of Vancouver, in the heart of historic Chinatown. We provide IT solutions and consultations for small to medium size businesses.


SMB Services

Palate Networks is a small business, just like you! We know how important it is to keep your business running, so we can take proactive steps to avoid downtime. Whether it's a major network upgrade, or a small hardware upgrade for your business PC, we got you covered.



Not only are we tech savvy, we are people savvy too. We can have one-on-ones to talk about what you want, without selling you a generic service package.


To Your Door

We are located in Chinatown, Vancouver. We can provide remote desktop assistance, or come straight to your door for those emergency situations.

Our Services

build Resolving on-site technical and equipment issues is our specialty.

Our core focus is directed towards small to medium business in the Chinatown or Gastown area in Vancouver. We provide ongoing maintenance of computer networks and standardize equipment and procedures. We also have experience in maintaining POS, payment terminals and backend network infrastructures within a restaurant environment.

We educate clients on best practices and interact with service providers as needed for ISP related issues. We can also provide phone, email or remote desktop assistance to our clients.

We work with technologies like: Server 2012, Microsoft Hyper-V, Office 365, Meraki, LogMeIn, Micros POS, Squirrel, Halo.

Previous Clients

Big Chip Accounting
Browns Socialhouse
Tap & Barrel Brands Restaurants
Mah Society of Vancouver
Innovative Steel Ltd
3D Smith Studios
Rare One Mfg Co

chinatown vancouver static map

Have something else on your mind?

If you have a business inquiry, please get in touch through the contact information below.